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Family Support
federal government agency
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Family Support
federal government agency
124 results items - 28 results with confidential address
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benefits finder
Service description: Federal government website that identifies federal, provincial or territorial government benefits to which individuals are eligible based on their situation.
batshaw youth and family centres users' committee
5 Weredale Park Street, Westmount, Montréal, QC, H3Z 1Y5
Service description: Users committee. Information on the rights and obligations of users. Advocacy. Assistance in the proceedings when making a complaint.
agriculture and agri-food canada
1341 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0C5
Service description: Assumes governmental responsibilities relative to the production, importation and exportation of living animals and food. Technical and financial support to partners of the industry. Regulations. Prom... More +
access to information and privacy
Service description: Reception and processing of requests for access to information or personal information held by the federal government. Online record of past access requests. List of access to information and privacy ... More +
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