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Community centres
Quebec Sign Language (QSL)
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Community centres
Quebec Sign Language (QSL)
55 results items - 9 results with confidential address
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deaf men's centre
2200 Crémazie Boulevard East, Suite 204, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2E 2Z8
Service description: Information, accompaniment et referral. Social and recreational activities. Support and mutual aid groups. Prevention and educational workshop for fathers and their children. Prevention, educational a... More +
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clé sur la porte (la)
Service description: Safe and confidential housing. Telephone and in-person listening. Assistance and accompaniment with the procedures. Individual and group interventions. Group facilitation. External counselling. Post h... More +
Offer detail: *For all needs related to housing for survivors of domestic violence, we suggest you contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale. If you call the 211, we will transfer you to their helpline.*
châteauguay sexual assault centre
Service description: Listening, information, referral. Individual counselling. Support groups. Accompaniment during legal procedures and for IVAC requests. Prevention activities in school, social, community and profession... More +
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centre des loisirs des sourds de montréal
427 Beaubien East Street, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H2S 2P7
Service description: Recreational and cultural activities for deaf and hearing-impaired people. Annual celebrations: Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, corn roast, Halloween, Children's Christmas Party, midnight mass and New ... More +
centre des femmes de laval
69 8th Street, Laval-des-Rapides, Laval, QC, H7N 2C5
Service description: Place for meeting, listening and referral. Vert l'écolo-partage thrift store: free clothing for the whole family. Daycare. Educational and recreational activities, training, dancing, committees, colle... More +
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centre de réadaptation en déficience physique raymond-dewar radisson
3800 Radisson Street, Mercier—Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal, QC, H1M 1X6
Service description: Rehabilitation centre specializing in deafness, deafblindness and communication. Reception and evaluation. Frontline services for deaf people using sign language. Low Vision Clinic
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centre de réadaptation en déficience physique raymond-dewar laurier
2222 Laurier Avenue East, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2H 1C4
Service description: Rehabilitation center specialized in deafness and communication. Reception and evaluation. Québec sign language courses from level 1 to 6. Technical aids service. Distribution of h
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centre de communication adaptée
582 Des Tilleuls Street, Sherbrooke, Estrie, QC, J1G 4Y3
Service description: Interactive tools for the deaf community development centre. Awareness, training and research. French social network: Resource directory: On site and online shop f... More +
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centre alpha-sourd rive-sud
2010 Chambly Road, Suite B, Longueuil, Montérégie, QC, J4J 3Y2
Service description: Literacy workshops for deaf, deaf-usher and deaf-blind people. French classes in reading and writing. Mathematics classes. Computer classes. Community kitchen. Social and artistic activities. Social a... More +
centre alpha-sourd
7907 de Bordeaux Street, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2E 2N4
Service description: Literacy workshops for deaf, deaf-usher and deaf-blind people. French classes in reading and writing. Mathematics classes. Computer classes. Community kitchen. Social and artistic activities. Social a... More +
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carrefour des femmes d'anjou
7777 Louis-H Lafontaine Boulevard, Suite 105, Anjou, Montréal, QC, H1K 4E4
Service description: Popular educational workshops promoting the development and empowerment of women. Luncheons, community kitchens. Daycare and respite for mothers. Legal clinic. Outings and recreational activities. Ref... More +
Offer detail: Covid-19: Open by appointment. 21/12/2022
association sportive des sourds du québec
7665 Lacordaire Boulevard, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, QC, H1S 2A7
Service description: Contribution to the success and visibility of high-level deaf and hearing impaired athletes. Promotion of the practice of high level sports. Organization of training camps and tournaments. Information... More +
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association lavalloise pour le transport adapté
155 Je-Me-Souviens Boulevard, Sainte-Rose, Laval, QC, H7L 1V6
Service description: Information on paratransit and accessible transportation services. Representation and advocacy of rights. Assistance with lodging complaints. Assistance with application procedures for paratransit.
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association du québec pour enfants avec problèmes auditifs - outaouais
7240 Waverly Sreet, Suite 205, Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension, Montréal, QC, H2R 2Y8
Service description: General information on deafness, awareness, referrals. Support and helpline. Advocacy. Plaisir de lire: early stimulation by reading program for children from 0 to 5 years old wh
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association du québec pour enfants avec problèmes auditifs - montréal region
2033 Sherbrooke Street East, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2K 1C1
Service description: General information on deafness, awareness, referrals. Telephone support and listening. Stimulation program through games for children. Help with homework and academic supp
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