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By categories
All the sub-categoriesChild welfare (91)Daycare and respite (173)Family Support (378)Information on childcare services (8)Juvenile Delinquency (57)Maternity support and adoption (150)Parenting Education (229)Recreational Activities (288)Youth Centres and Support (339)Youth Employment (155)Youth Shelters and Support (114)
All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (73)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (52)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (110)Autism, PDD, ADHD (134)Deaf and hearing impaired (78)Language disorders (25)Mobility aids (44)Paratransit (9)Recreation and camps (200)Respite, child care and housing (106)Respite services and housing (111)Support and integration organizations (89)Support Associations (151)The Blind (62)Therapy and rehabilitation centres (38)
All the sub-categoriesAcademic and vocational guidance (93)Associations and Federations (16)Computer workshops (143)Difficulties and learning disabilities (44)Homework assistance and tutoring (185)Language courses (172)Literacy (122)Public education (123)School perseverance (108)School service centers (7)Vocational training, Cégeps and Universities (28)
All the sub-categoriesAdvocacy for workers and unemployed (58)Budget management and consumption (118)Business development (75)Employment support and training (188)Employment support for immigrants (107)Employment support for seniors (22)Employment support for women (40)Employment support for youth (155)Tax clinics (51)Vocational rehabilitation and disability-related employment (152)
All the sub-categoriesChristmas basket (235)Collective kitchens and cooking workshops (184)Community gardens and markets (100)Food aid for pregnant women and children (30)Food Assistance (416)Food assistance coordination (219)Food assistance in schools (22)Low cost or free meals (327)Prepared meals and Meals-on-wheels (146)
All the sub-categoriesAddiction prevention (82)Addiction treatment (92)Community support in mental health (242)Crisis centres and suicide prevention (51)Helplines (105)Mental health advocacy groups (107)Mental health housing (13)Psychiatric services (2)Self-help groups for addiction issues (35)Self-help groups for mental health issues (53)
All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (127)Community and Recreation Centres (342)Day centres and respite (56)Friendly visits and safety calls (213)Home support (232)Housing for seniors (141)Intergenerational activities (46)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (35)Meals on Wheels (113)Seniors' Advocacy and Assistance Associations (87)Volunteer Transportation (115)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (79)Domestic violence: shelters and support (127)Elder abuse (33)Help lines related to violence and abuse (57)Prevention of violence and crime (127)Sexual assault and incest (65)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (45)Support for victims and their families (91)Therapy and counselling (272)
4829 results items - 514 results with confidential address
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appartenances (les)
2630 Frontenac Street, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2K 3A1
Service description: Social housing. Individual accompaniment and community life focused on users' participation. Recreational activities. Cooking training. Budget management training.
Offer detail: CAUTION: this particular service is for people who already have access to Le Tournant organization's services ONLY. Contact the organization directly: 514 523-2133
Greater Montréal
men 18 to 29 years old with limited capacity to take care of themselves, who have previously lived in the Auberge du coeur le Tournant
apprendre en coeur
25 Saint-Sauveur Street, Saint-Rémi, Montérégie, QC, J0L 2L0
Service description: Promotion of language development among children. Early reading, writing and communication stimulation. Story time. Workshops in libraries. ALI: interactive reading activities. Stimulaction: summer ca... More +
MRC Les Jardins-de-Napierville
families with children 0 to 5 years old
approche sécurisante des polytoxicomanes anonymes
2197 Sherbrooke Street East, Suite 210, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, QC, H2K 1C8
Service description: Full-time, 6-week outpatient rehabilitation program. Individual and group support for people and their close ones. Hotline and information. Reintegration. Post-cure follow-up.
Offer detail: *
Greater Montréal
men and women 18 years old and over living with drug or polydrug addictions, compulsion or other problems, their close ones, open to people with a criminal record or on a substitution program, individual services: people 14 years old and over
appui proches aidants
400 De Maisonneuve Boulevard West, Suite 720, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H3A 1L4
Service description: Project funding for organizations that provide services to caregivers.
Offer detail: *
1 877
Province of Québec
organizations that provide support to caregivers
1260 Sainte-Catherine Street East, Suite 208, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2L 2H2
Service description: Support for close ones of people living with a mental health disorder. Listening and referral line. Support groups. One-on-one, couple and family counselling. Conferences and psychoeducational worksho... More +
Offer detail: *
Montréal Island
parents, friends, caregivers and close ones of adults living with a mental health problem, in the various spheres of their life (professional and personal)
arc - assistance and referral centre
106 Churchill Boulevard, 2nd floor, Longueuil, Montérégie, QC, J4V 2L9
Service description: Promotion of access to English-language health and social services. Information and referral. Jog your Mind workshops and health sessions. Assistance with filling out forms in French and translating F... More +
Offer detail: *
arc-en-ciel des seigneuries - groupe d'entraide en santé mentale (l')
2082 Marie-Victorin Boulevard, Suite 201, Varennes, Montérégie, QC, J3X 2C7
Service description: Mutual aid network promoting social integration and an end to isolation. Mutual aid group. Art-therapy. Mental health self-management: anxiety, depression and self-esteem. Popula
Boucherville, Calixa-Lavallée, Contrecoeur, Saint-Amable, Sainte-Julie, Varennes, Verchères
people living with or who have lived with mental health issues
arc-en-ciel vaudreuil-soulanges
60 de l'Église Street, Vaudreuil-Dorion, Montérégie, QC, J7V 1W4
Service description: Mutual aid in mental health. Short and long-term housing. Social insertion program. Support relationship. Individual and group intervention. Accompaniment. Support to hospitalized members and members ... More +
Offer detail: *
MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges
people on a low income, people living with mental health issues, people in the process of social reintegration
arc-en-soi (l') - centre de prévention et d'intervention en santé mentale
929 L'Annonciation Street North, Rivière-Rouge, Laurentides, QC, J0T 1T0
Service description: Centre for people with mental health, wandering and homelessness issues. Accompaniment, support and referral. Therapeutic and occupational activities: mixed groups, groups of m
Offer detail: *
MRC Antoine-Labelle
adult women and men with mental health, wandering and homelessness issues
arcg - aînés et retraités de la communauté gaie
Service description: Socio-cultural club aimed at breaking social isolation, promoting physical and psychological well-being and staying active in the community. Social and recreational activities: card games, cinema, rea... More +
Offer detail: *
Greater Montreal, virtual activities: Province of Quebec
gay men 50 years old and over
archdiocese of montréal
2000 Sherbrooke Street West, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H3H 1G4
Service description: Information on diocesan activities. Information on sacraments, places of worship, parishes and religious topics. Complaint reception.
Offer detail: *
Montréal Island, Laval, L'Assomption, Repentigny
arche lanaudière (l')
160 Saint-Charles-Borromée Street South, Joliette, Lanaudière, QC, J6E 4T3
Service description: Housing and community life for individuals living with an intellectual disability. Housing Two buildings for long term housing: Foyer La Source and Foyer La Barque. Adapted and personalized living env... More +
housing and respite: adults living with an intellectual disability, community life: teenagers and adults living with an intellectual disability, their family
arche montérégie (l')
250 Hubert Street, Beloeil, Montérégie, QC, J3G 2S9
Service description: Supervised housing for people living with an intellectual disability. 3 houses: Fleur de Soleil, l'Envolée, la Montagne. Support and accompaniment. Artistic, kitchen, garden and maintenance workshops.
Offer detail: *
people 18 years old and over living with an intellectual disability
arche outaouais
19 Hanson Street, Gatineau, Outaouais, QC, J8Y 3M4
Service description: Residential centre, divided into 4 residences, for people living with an intellectual disability. Promotion and defence of rights. Prevention and protection against abuse. Les Jouets de l'Arc-en-ciel ... More +
Offer detail: *
persons living with an intellectual disability
arche-montréal (l')
6105 Jogues Street, Le Sud-Ouest, Montréal, QC, H4E 2W2
Service description: Services and housing for adults living with an intellectual disability. Group homes: l'Arc-en-ciel, l'Esquif, la Colombe, le Rameau, la Passerelle. Day centre: arts, sports and cooking activities, out... More +
Offer detail: *
Montréal Island
people 18 years old and over living with an intellectual disability