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By categories
All the sub-categoriesChild welfare (145)Daycare and respite (174)Family Support (454)Information on childcare services (12)Juvenile Delinquency (87)Maternity support and adoption (269)Parenting Education (239)Recreational Activities (436)Youth Centres and Support (351)Youth Employment (154)Youth Shelters and Support (145)
All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (80)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (51)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (109)Autism, PDD, ADHD (160)Deaf and hearing impaired (99)Language disorders (41)Mobility aids (81)Paratransit (14)Recreation and camps (207)Respite, child care and housing (114)Respite services and housing (117)Support and integration organizations (103)Support Associations (154)The Blind (86)Therapy and rehabilitation centres (99)
All the sub-categoriesAcademic and vocational guidance (130)Associations and Federations (16)Computer workshops (180)Difficulties and learning disabilities (47)Homework assistance and tutoring (187)Language courses (199)Literacy (194)Public education (152)School perseverance (115)School service centers (27)Vocational training, Cégeps and Universities (89)
All the sub-categoriesAdvocacy for workers and unemployed (89)Budget management and consumption (186)Business development (122)Employment support and training (202)Employment support for immigrants (132)Employment support for seniors (22)Employment support for women (40)Employment support for youth (154)Tax clinics (51)Vocational rehabilitation and disability-related employment (184)
All the sub-categoriesChristmas basket (216)Collective kitchens and cooking workshops (179)Community gardens and markets (118)Food aid for pregnant women and children (29)Food Assistance (397)Food assistance coordination (218)Food assistance in schools (20)Low cost or free meals (318)Prepared meals and Meals-on-wheels (139)
All the sub-categoriesAddiction prevention (129)Addiction treatment (212)Community support in mental health (301)Crisis centres and suicide prevention (67)Helplines (117)Mental health advocacy groups (114)Mental health housing (13)Psychiatric services (19)Self-help groups for addiction issues (54)Self-help groups for mental health issues (54)
All the sub-categoriesCaregivers (180)Community and Recreation Centres (356)Day centres and respite (92)Friendly visits and safety calls (219)Home support (256)Housing for seniors (274)Intergenerational activities (58)Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse (55)Meals on Wheels (107)Seniors' Advocacy and Assistance Associations (131)Volunteer Transportation (116)
All the sub-categoriesChild abuse (79)Domestic violence: shelters and support (156)Elder abuse (33)Help lines related to violence and abuse (62)Prevention of violence and crime (173)Sexual assault and incest (76)Support for perpetrators of violence and their families (51)Support for victims and their families (136)Therapy and counselling (327)
6615 results items - 668 results with confidential address
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accueil collectif des conjoints en relation opprimante et colérique
60 des Hauteurs Boulevard, Saint-Jérôme, Laurentides, QC, J7Y 1R4
Service description: Accountability groups for men with violent behaviors in a relationship or family setting and for men with relationship problems. Accountability groups for teenagers with violent behav
1 877
MRC Antoine-Labelle, MRC Argenteuil, MRC Deux-Montagnes, MRC Mirabel, MRC Rivière-du-Nord, MRC Thérèse-De Blainville
boys and girls 12 to 18 years old and adult men with violent behaviors
accueil communautaire jeunesse des basses-laurentides - maison d'hébergement
306 Féré Street, Saint-Eustache, Laurentides, QC, J7R 2V2
Service description: Short and medium term housing for youth in difficulty. 3-month stay. Accompaniment and support. Individual, parental or family meetings. Post-housing follow-up. Telephone
Basses-Laurentides and surroundings
people 16 to 25 years old in a difficult situation, their family
accueil et partage pour handicapés de ste-marthe-sur-le-lac
117 25th Avenue, Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, Laurentides, QC, J0N 1P0
Service description: Home environment for people living with an intellectual disability or a mental health issue. Accommodation. Care.
Offer detail: *
North Shore
people living with an intellectual disability or a mental health issue
accueil jeunesse
1094 Manseau Boulevard, Joliette, Lanaudière, QC, J6E 3G8
Service description: Shelter for youth. Support, information and referral.
accueil multiethnique et intégration des nouveaux arrivants à terrebonne et mascouche
500 des Seigneurs Boulevard, Suite 002, basement, Terrebonne, Lanaudière, QC, J6W 1T3
Service description: Reception and information. Referral. Accompaniment and integration. Awareness and promotion of cultural diversity. Espace Parents: group discussion workshops for
Offer detail: *
450 492-7989 ext.
MRC Les Moulins
newcomers and immigrants, businesses
accueil pour elle (l')
Service description: Safe and confidential housing. Accompaniment, reception and referral. Telephone listening. In and out-patient individual and group support, post-housing follow-up, social reintegration. Maison Seconde... More +
Offer detail: For all shelter needs for victims of domestic violence, contact S.O.S Violence Conjugale at 1 800 363-9010. If you wish, we can transfer you to their help line.
MRC Beauharnois-Salaberry, MRC Le Haut-Saint-Laurent, MRC Vaudreuil-Soulanges
women victim of domestic violence, with or without children
accueil pour immigrants et réfugiés du sud-ouest de montréal - centre prisme
414 Lafleur Street, Suite 1-10, LaSalle, Montréal, QC, H8R 3H6
Service description: Welcoming, settlement assistance, information. Housing search assistance. French courses. Drop-in daycare. Training for parents. Tax clinic.
Offer detail: *
Lachine, LaSalle
immigrants, refugees and people on a low income
accueil-parrainage outaouais
124 Jeanne-d'Arc Street, Gatineau, Outaouais, QC, J8Y 2H7
Service description: Welcoming of immigrants who have newly arrived to Outaouais and support with integration. Welcoming, referrals and accompaniment. Contact with institutions, resources and other government services. As... More +
Offer detail: *
accès bénévolat
2544 Rosemont Boulevard, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H1Y 1K4
Service description: Promoting volunteerism and community initiatives. Reception, training, referral and follow-up of volunteers. Services to organizations: needs analysis, recruitment assistance, volunteer selection and ... More +
Offer detail: *
East of Saint-Laurent Boulevard: Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal-Est, Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Anjou, Saint-Léonard, Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, Villeray, Saint-Michel, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal
adults and youth who want to volunteer, organizations with educational, health or social mission
accès bénévolat - accompaniment-transportation
2544 Rosemont Boulevard, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H1Y 1K4
Service description: Accompaniment-transportation to medical appointments, with or without a car, by volunteers.
Offer detail: *
514 523-6599 ext.
residence address: Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal-Est, Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Anjou, Saint-Léonard, Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie, Villeray, Saint-Michel, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, appointment: Montréal Island
adults with a light loss of physical or cognitive autonomy and with a maximal annual income of $25,000 who do not have an aid network around them
accès cible (santé mentale travail)
5650 D'Iberville Street, Suite 600, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H2G 2B3
Service description: Employability assistance and labor market integration. Self-knowledge workshops, internship opportunities, job search and techniques. Professional office automation update. Job reintegration and reten... More +
Offer detail: *
Greater Montréal
people living or who have lived mental health problems and want to reintegrate the labor market
accès-cible jeunesse rosemont (l')
5365 1st Avenue, Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie, Montréal, QC, H1Y 2Z8
Service description: Youth centre by and for young people. Free recreational activities: sports, games. Directed activities: improvisation workshops, thematic evenings, outings. Homework assistance.
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343 Poliquin Boulevard, Sorel-Tracy, Montérégie, QC, J3P 7W1
Service description: Accompaniment with settling in the region. Information and networking workshops. Helping immigrants find employment. Regionalization of immigration, exploratory visit, conference on the region.
Offer detail: *
450 730-0181 ext.
MRC Pierre-De Saurel, Contrecoeur, Calixa-Lavallée, Verchères
newcomers, immigrant people
accès-travail de montréal
2030 Pie IX Boulevard, suite 214, Mercier—Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montréal, QC, H1V 2C8
Service description: 3-week job search training following the club method. Job search workshops. Vocational and academic guidance. Documentation room. Access to Internet and to a phone. Ensemble vers l'intégration: full-t... More +
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514 259-4690 ext.
Montreal Island
employment-insurance and employment-assistance recipients, people who are not receiving any cheque, part-time workers and students, Ensemble vers l'intégration: people 18 to 30 years old without a job and with a secondary school diploma at maximum
acouphènes québec
1405 Henri-Bourassa Boulevard West, Suite 100, Ahuntsic-Cartierville, Montréal, QC, H3M 3B2
Service description: Helpline and information on tinnitus. Support helpline. Referral to regional professional resources. Open mutual aid group every month.
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