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All the sub-categoriesAdapted work and employability support (6)Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability (2)Advocacy for people with a physical disability (12)Autism, PDD, ADHD (6)Deaf and hearing impaired (35)Paratransit (1)Recreation and camps (12)Respite, child care and housing (1)Support Associations (10)The Blind (11)
49 results items - 9 results with confidential address
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société de saint-vincent de paul - conférence saint-enfant-jésus de pointe-aux-trembles
11985 Victoria Street, Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles, Montréal, QC, H1B 2R2
Service description: Food assistance. Distribution of gift cards for Christmas. School supply vouchers. Grenier d'Ozanam: sale of clothing, accessories and furniture. On-site recove
Offer detail: School Supply Distribution: Registration takes place from July 2nd to September 15th. 8/7/2024
Saint-Enfant-Jésus and Saint-Marcel parishes: from Georges-V Street to 66st Avenue
people on a low income
srv canada vrs
Service description: Downloadable application allowing users to communicate using sign language through an interpreter. Apple application for telephone and tablet: Android ap... More +
Offer detail: *
1 800
deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired people and using sign language
t.r.e.s. théâtral
921 Noël Street, Sainte-Dorothée, Laval, QC, H7X 1X9
Service description: Theatrical representations and activities. Promotion of theatre for deaf and hearing people.
trans outaouais
Service description: Support and referrals. Resources list. Support group for parents of trans children, trans and non-binary youth and adults. Swearing-in service for name and gender change procedures.
people from the gender diversity community, their relatives, allies