abriter - options housing program
Montréal, QC
450 699-4357www.abriter.org/homeabriter@jslmontreal.org
pregnant youth and young parents aged 14 to 25 years old with a child aged 0 to 5 years old in a precarious situation
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Temporary housing for pregnant women and young parents in precarious situations.* Transition home: short- and medium-term stay (one month to one year), long-term stay (one to two years).
* Parents under Pressure (PuP) program.
* Life skills development.
* Transition preparation.
pregnant youth and young parents aged 14 to 25 years old with a child aged 0 to 5 years old in a precarious situation
$450 per month
English, French, Spanish
through the website, by phone, pre-admission assessment
consent of parents or guardians, minors: certificate of legal emancipation
7 lbeds
450 699-4357
non-profit organization
donations, self-financing