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Support services for caregivers: respite care, self-help and support groups services available to offer listening and information in order to improve their living conditions.

Community and Recreation Centres

Centres providing services on-site or at home, as well as recreational, sports and cultural activities for the elderly.

Day centres and respite

Programs providing a short period of rest or respite to caregivers by offering temporary or occasional home care.

Friendly visits and safety calls

Programs providing visits and phone calls to people who are socially isolated due to a loss of autonomy.

Home support

Programs providing assistance to carry daily housekeeping chores, outdoor work, meals and personal care.

Housing for seniors

Government agencies and programs providing housing or information on housing and access to housing.

Intergenerational activities

Programs in favour of building ties and promoting service exchange among people from various generations.

Intervention with seniors subjected to abuse

Support agencies over the phone or on site for seniors exposed to all types of abuse: physical, sexual, psychological, violation of rights, financial exploitation and neglect.

Meals on Wheels

Programs that prepare and regularly deliver meals to people with loss of autonomy.

Seniors' Advocacy and Assistance Associations

Rights promotion and representation services for seniors. Accompaniment and assistance for seniors so they can maintain and improve their quality of life.

Volunteer Transportation

Specialized transportation services provided by volunteers offering to drive seniors with reduced mobility, to medical appointments, grocery trips or social events.