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Child, Youth and Family
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Community Action
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Education and Literacy
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Employment and Income Support
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Government services
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Immigration and cultural communities
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Indigenous Peoples
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Justice and Advocacy
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Mental Health and addictions
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Sex and gender
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Sports, Recreation and Culture
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Thrift store and material aid
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

Violence and abuse
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This city is not serviced by 211 Grand Montréal. If the city/region you are looking for resources is in the Eastern and Northern regions of Quebec, please consult 211 Quebec and regions.

STBBI Prevention: Informing, Screening, Treating

Many services remain unknown, and we are seeing a resurgence of certain infections in Canada, mainly HIV/Aids. In response, the medical and community fields have joined forces to enable the population to get access to prevention and screening services and to get help quickly and efficiently.

Articles and Community News

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A look at the field: Benjamin, street worker at L'antre-Jeunes de Mercier-Est

by: Anaïs Coignet
A look at the field: Benjamin, street worker at L'antre-Jeunes de Mercier-Est
We spoke with Benjamin about his daily role, and the importance of street workers.

Prevention of STBBIs: inform, screen, treat

by: Alexandre Haslin, Maria Rigas
Prevention of STBBIs: inform, screen, treat
Many efforts are being made to reduce the impact of STBBIs on the overall health of the population. However, many services are still little-known.