Adapted work and employability support
Adapted work centres tailored to the needs of people with an intellectual disability and offering job retention, return to school and vocational integration services.
Advocacy for people with an intellectual disability
Advocacy and promotion of the interests of people living with a physical disability: promotion of universal accessibility.
Advocacy for people with a physical disability
Advocacy and promotion of the interests of people living with an intellectual disability.
Autism, PDD, ADHD
Agencies promoting the rights and interests of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD).
Deaf and hearing impaired
Promotion and representation agencies for the deaf and hearing impaired, in all operating segments.
Language disorders
Support programs for people with language disorders, providing information, promotion, representation and advocacy services.
Mobility aids
Programs that provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have physical or sensory impairments to move about with greater comfort and ease.
Paratransit services, via buses or taxis, to facilitate travel for people with physical disabilities.
Recreation and camps
Promotion and development of recreation and sport for the integration of people with an intellectual disability. Specialized and adapted camps appropriate for this clientele.
Respite, child care and housing
Respite services and housing
Organizations offering respite on-site or at home to the families of people living with a disability. Assistance with integration in child care.
Support and integration organizations
Human services agencies advocating for interest promotion and representation of people with an intellectual disability.
Support Associations
Help and support associations assisting people with a physical disability and their families. Accompaniment in their efforts to have access to various services: information and referral, equipment loans, etc.
The Blind
Promotion and representation agencies for the visually impaired, in all operating segments.
Therapy and rehabilitation centres
Adaptation and rehabilitation centres fostering the social participation of people with an intellectual disability.