carrefour jeunesse-emploi anjou-saint-justin
CJE Anjou - St-Justin
7450 les Galeries d'Anjou Boulevard, Suite 480, Anjou, Montréal, QC, H1M 3M3
Find Community and Social Resources
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* Employability and socioprofessional integration procedures.
* School and vocational information.
* Guidance.
* Entrepreneurship: business pre-startup.
* Snow removal services.
people 16 to 35 years old
Monday to Thursday 9h00 to 12h00 and 13h00 to 17h00, Friday teleworking 9h00 to 12h00 and 13h00 to 15h00, summer: Monday to Thursday 9h00 to 12h00 and 13h00 to 17h00, Friday teleworking 9h00 to 12h00
Anjou, Saint-Justin Parish
English, French
7450 les Galeries d'Anjou Boulevard, Suite 480, Anjou, Montréal, H1M 3M3
514 353-5400
non-profit organization
provincial, federal