centre communautaire radisson
1101 Saint-Dominique Street, Ville-Marie, Montréal, QC, H2X 3V6
514 252-1671centreradisson.cominfo@centreradisson.com
Greater Montréal
adults and young adults living with a physical disability
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Development of citizen involvement of people living with one or multiple physical disabilities.
* Educational, social, cultural and recreational activities.
* Support of people in the discovery and the development of their abilities.
* Youth division 18 to 35 years old: networking of youth living with physical limitations.
* Various classes.
* Computers workshops.
adults and young adults living with a physical disability
Monday to Friday 8h45 to 16h30, youth 18 to 35 years old: Saturday 14h00 to 20h00
annual membership: $15, activities: variable
Greater Montréal
225 members
1101 Saint-Dominique Street, Ville-Marie, Montréal, H2X 3V6
514 252-1671
non-profit organization
grants, donations, fundraising campaigns