centre de réadaptation en dépendance de montréal - point de service prince-arthur

Second-line addiction services
* Specialized assessment (access point at the Louvain service point).
* Outpatient rehabilitation.
* Inpatient rehabilitation for adults (Louvain service point).
* Inpatient rehabilitation for adolescents (by agreement with Portage, Le Grand Chemin and Pavillon du Nouveau Point de Vue).
* Internal withdrawal: Light to moderate weaning (at Prince-Arthur service point).
* Social reintegration.
* Support to relatives.
* Individual, group, family and couple intervention.
* Nursing services.
* At-risk drivers assessment program (PERRCA) (Louvain service point).
* Training and support service in addiction (at Prince-Arthur service point). Emergency addictions service
* Crisis intervention by telephone or on site for people with an addiction of psychoactive substances or gambling: reception, assessment, intervention, support and referrals by nurses, specialist educators and doctors.
* References to other CRD services and other network and community partners. Treatment with opioid agonists: CRAN and Relais program
* Substitution treatment of opioid addiction.
* Low threshold treatment at Relais (Notre-Dame Hospital).
* Listening, help and guidance.
* Medical, nursing and psychosocial services.
* Perinatal services at Rond-Point (Notre-Dame Hospital).
* Support to relatives.
* Clinical support for professionals and training for community stakeholders.
Details on the service offer
For new requests, you must give the access counter 514 385-1232. ** The Emergency addictions servicecan offer service in any language**. Rehabilitation services are offered only in French. If the person speaks English, but is comfortable enough to do the rehabilitation in French, you can refer them to the CRDM, otherwise, it's Foster.
people 12 years and older with an addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling or cyberaddiction), their relatives
second-line addiction services: Monday to Thursday 8h00 to 20h00, Friday 8h00 to 16h00, treatment with opioid agonists (CRAN and Relais): Monday to Friday 9h00 to 17h00, addiction emergency and withdrawal management and Inpatient rehabilitation: 24 hours / 7 days
Coverage area
Centre-Sud de l'île de Montréal
Languages offered
English, French, Spanish
Application process
outpatient rehabilitation services: addiction access point at 514 385-1232, treatment with opioid agonists: call Cran or Relais at 514 527-6939, addiction emergency: call 514 288-1515 or go on site
28 beds for withdrawal management, 27 for In-patient rehabilitation, 10 stretchers in the addiction emergency room
Mailing address
110 Prince-Arthur Street West, Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, Montréal, H2X 1S7
514 385-1232Access point
Other phone (1)
514 527-6939CRAN and Relais
Other phone (2)
514 288-1515Addiction emergency
Legal Status
provincial government agency
Last verified on