centre hospitalier de lanaudière
1000 Sainte-Anne Boulevard, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Lanaudière, QC, J6E 6J2
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Hospital centre offering general and specialized cares.
* Emergencies.
* Specialized services for victims of sexual assault.
* Contraception.
* Emergency oral contraception.
* Distribution of new injection equipment to people who use drugs and recovery of used needles and syringes.
* Detoxification.
* Test centre.
* Radiology.
* Magnetic resonance.
* Breast feeding room.
* End of life care.
24 hours / 7 days, test centre: by appointment
Province of Québec
Atikamekw, English, French
1000 Sainte-Anne Boulevard, Saint-Charles-Borromée, Lanaudière, J6E 6J2
450 759-8222
450 756-1628Appointment centre
450 756-5076Access point for clients without a family doctor
1 833 991-2663For sampling if no Internet access
parapublic organization