centre hospitalier de l'université de montréal - nouveau chum

University hospital centre offering general, specialized and superspecialized cares.
* Emergency and general medicine.
* Tests centre.
* Gynecological clinics: birth clinic, high-risk pregnancy, fertility and assisted procreation, urology, pregnancy interruption, menopause, familial planification and general gynecology.
* Cancer centre.
* Addictions medicine service: medical assistance during withdrawal of alcohol, drugs or medication, treatment during hospitalization or outpatient consultation, short-term psychosocial follow-up.
* Pain clinic.
* Sleep clinic.
* CHUM Patient Health Line.
Details on the service offer
Emergency detoxification possible for people with severe withdrawal symptoms or poisoning.
CHUM Patient Health Line: 24 hours / 7 days
Coverage area
Province of Québec
Languages offered
English, French
Mailing address
1000 Saint-Denis Street, Ville-Marie, Montréal, H2X 0C1
514 890-8086CHUM Patient Health Line
Toll free
1 855 769-5842Appointment centre
Business line
514 890-8000
Other phone (1)
514 890-8321Department of Addictions Medicine
Other phone (2)
514 890-8455Pain clinic
Other phone (3)
514 890-8326High risk pregnancy centre
Other phone (4)
514 890-8086CHUM Patient Health Line
Legal Status
parapublic organization
Last verified on