centre humanitaire d'organisation, de ressources et de référence d'anjou

* Integration assistance for immigrants: reception and settlement, accompaniment, information sessions, lunch meetings.
* Delivery of food aid.
* On-site recovery of perishable and non-perishable food.
* Collective kitchens.
* Petits pots d'ailleurs: fruit and vegetable purée workshop for mothers.
* Donations of clothing, shoes, toys, household items, etc. *Donation matching: home collection of clothing, small furniture, small appliances, toys, household items, books, etc.
* Civic participation workshops.
* Workshops, conferences and animation for adults.
* Parenting support program.
* Activities for parents and children from 0 to 5 years old.
* Summer camp.
* Homework and educational support.
* Anjou pour tous : Tutoring and animation for teenagers.
* Christmas baskets and children's Christmas party.
* Back-to-school and Christmas potluck in collaboration with several organizations.
Details on the service offer
people on a low income of all origins, families, students, Petits pots d'ailleurs: mothers of children 0 to 5 years old
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9h00 to 16h00, Wednesday 9h00 to 19h00, food assistance: Wednesday 13h00 to 16h45
membership: $10 per year, food bank: $20 per month
Coverage area
Languages offered
Arabic, Creole, English, French, French Creole, Spanish
Application process
by phone or in person
Documents required
proof of identity, address and income
collective kitchen: 20 to 22 people
Volunteer opportunities
Mailing address
8618 Chaumont Avenue, Anjou, Montréal, H1K 1N2
Business line
514 493-8278
Legal Status
non-profit organization
grants, fundraising campaigns, membership fees, donations
Last verified on