comité d'entraide de verchères
* Food assistance.
* Les Trésors de Madeleine: sale of clothing, household items, decoration and small appliances.
* Pairing service for appliance and furniture collection: transportation from one point to another by a volunteer.
* Christmas baskets.
* Distribution of school supplies.
* Tax clinic.
Details on the service offer
2024 Christmas baskets: Free service for individuals and families on a low income (income of $35,000 for a single person, $38,000 for 2 people, $42,000 for 3 people and $50,000 for 4 people), residents of Verchères or Calixa-Lavallée for at least 3 months. Registration by telephone on December 1. People must leave their contact details on the voicemail and will be called back. Documents required: photocopies of lease, health insurance card, last tax assessment and last social assistance claim booklet, if applicable. Distribution will take place around December 18, in the basement of the Town Hall, between 13h00 and 15h00, in the form of gift cards (Marché Métro de Verchères). Around December 28, distribution of New Year's baskets with food collected for the organization by Verchères school and CPE children. Distribution will take place in the basement of the town hall between 13h30 and 15h00. 26/05/2024
people and families on a low income
Les Trésors de Madeleine: Tuesday and Wednesday 13h30 to 15h00, Thursday 19h00 to 20h30, food assistance: Friday 13h30 to 14h30, summer: Wednesday 13h30 to 15h00 (June 26 to August 6)
pairing for furniture collection: $50 for appliances, free for people who are unemployed
Coverage area
Calixa-Lavallée, Verchères
Languages offered
Application process
food assistance: make an appointment by phone
Volunteer opportunities
Mailing address
579 Marie-Victorin Road, Suite 101, Verchères, Montérégie, J0L 2R0
Business line
450 583-5888
Legal Status
non-profit organization
Last verified on