extended hands
1810 Saint-Antoine Street, Lachine, Montréal, QC, H8S 1V4
514 469-2408 ext. 4extendedhands.netinfo@extendedhands.net
Lachine and surroundings
people on a low income
Find Community and Social Resources
Find services by topic
* Food bank.
* Hot meals.
* Distribution of clothing, school supplies and other items.
* Thrift shop.
* Christmas baskets.
* Dress for Success program: career counselling for job reintegration.
* Scholarship program.
* Community work program.
people on a low income
food bank: Wednesday 11h00 to 12h30, hot meals: Thursday 11h00 to 12h30
food bank: $5 per visit, hot meals: none
Lachine and surroundings
English, French
by phone, by e-mail or in person
proof of ID, proof of address, proof of income
500 families per month
1850 Saint-Antoine Street, Lachine, Montréal, H8S 1V4
514 469-2408 ext. 4
514 469-2408Registration
non-profit organization