la pêche - municipality
1 Principale Road West, La Pêche, Outaouais, QC, J0X 2W0
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Municipal service management.
* Practical information: pets, change of address, septic systems, etc.
* Calendar for waste management:
* Free distribution of compost.
* Payment of municipal taxes.
* Building permits, complaints and requests.
* Fire department.
* Recreation services: activities, day camp, etc.
* Prevention programs: washable diapers, electric vehicles, etc.
* Municipal library.
* Rental of halls.* Free distribution of compost.
general public
Monday to Friday 8h30 to 16h00
La Pêche
English, French
by phone, by email
1 Principale Road West, La Pêche, Outaouais, J0X 2W0
819 456-2161
819 459-9911Municipal emergencies
819 456-2627Ella-Matte Library
819 456-3222Lac-des-Loups Library
819 459-3266Wakefield Library
municipal agency