laval public libraries network - émile-nelligan library
325 Cartier Boulevard West, Laval-des-Rapides, Laval, QC, H7N 2J5


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* Loan and access to books and audio-visual documents.
* Computers, Internet access and printing devices.
* Animations and reading activities for all ages.
* Summer book club for children.
* Bibliomobile: travelling library in parks during summer.
* Specialized services: exhibitions, training in information technology for elders, toolkit for caregivers, reading starter kits for children 5 years and under.
* Home loan for people with reduced mobility.
* Telescope loan.
Monday to Friday 10h00 to 21h00, Saturday and Sunday 10h00 to 17h00
membership: none for residents, variable for non-residents
English, French
325 Cartier Boulevard West, Laval-des-Rapides, Laval, H7N 2J5
450 662-4973
municipal agency