maison d'haïti
* Assistance and support for newcomers' settlement, information sessions, assistance with immigration procedures.
* Assistance with housing search. Employment and education
* Support for labour market integration and job search assistance.
* Francization.
* Adult literacy.
* Confie-toi: health information fair.
* Social integration program for young mothers.
* Homework and school perseverance support.
* One-off educational workshops on taxes. Family and youth
* L'Art d'être parent: parenting skills program.
* Espace parents: meeting, exchange and training space and place of belonging.
* Bedondaine: food security and educational program for pregnant women.
* Projet Gars: prevention and intervention program for young boys from 10 to 18 years old to change sexist behaviors and attitudes and promote gender equality.
* Kan Lakay: summer and winter camps for 5 to 12 year-olds.
* Juste pour ELLES: sexual exploitation prevention and intervention program aimed at teenage girls living in Saint-Michel neighbourhood.
* Christmas baskets for member families and distribution of presents to their children. Community development
* Street patrol.
* Arts centre: creation and cultural dissemination space, promotion of cultural expression stemming from multicultural communities.
* Projet Goût 2 Vivre: project for 9 to 25 year-olds aiming to develop their interest in transforming their life, their environment and their daily life through cultural, artistic and sports activities.
Details on the service offer
Haitian community and other cultural communities
Monday to Friday 9h00 to 21h00
Coverage area
Greater Montréal
Languages offered
Creole, French, French Creole, Spanish
Application process
on site, by phone or online
Volunteer opportunities
Mailing address
3245 Émile-Journault Avenue, Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension, Montréal, H1Z 0B1
Business line
514 326-3022
Legal Status
non-profit organization
federal, provincial, municipal, foundations, fundraising campaigns
Last verified on