opération sac à dos - saint-léonard
8370 Lacordaire Boulevard, Room 2, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, QC, H1R 3Y6
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* Distribution of backpacks, school furniture and insulated lunch boxes to children of families in need.
2024 Opération Sac à Dos: make an appointment through the website. The registration by appointment is on June 13, 2024 at the Centre Léonardo Da Vinc (370 Lacordaire Boulevard). Proof of family income, proof of residence and identification of children are required. Distribution will take place on August 21, 2024 at the Saint-Léonard library (8420 Lacordaire Boulevard, Room 1-2-3). Families will be entitled to a backpack, pencil case, lunch box (primary child) and several school supplies (loose-leaf, Canada notebook, etc.). The service is free 04/06/2024
families in need
by appointment only
10% of the cost of the groceries
English, French
make an appointment: register online at www.eventbrite.ca/e/inscriptions-osad-2024-saint-leonard-tickets-912269461517?aff=oddtdtcreator
proof of family income, proof of residence, document identifying children
8370 Lacordaire Boulevard, Room 2, Saint-Léonard, Montréal, H1R 3Y6
514 326-8605YMCA du Québec - Saint-Léonard
non-profit organization
self-financing, foundations, Centraide of Greater Montréal, fundraising campaigns, municipal, provincial, donations