Back to the seach results PreviousNext Print Share Update the filesociété de protection des forêts contre le feuSOPFEU715 7th de l'Aéroport Street, Québec, Capitale-Nationale, QC, G2G 2S7 1 800 463-3389 Province of Québec211 LOCAL PARTNERSOverviewContactOrganization statusGeneral informations ServicesProtection against forest fires. * Prevention and awareness. * Fire detection and suppression. Coverage areaProvince of QuébecLanguages offeredEnglish, FrenchCategories: ; Government services - Municipal services ; Housing - EmergencyContact Mailing address715 7th de l'Aéroport Street, Québec, Capitale-Nationale, G2G 2S7Toll free1 800 463-33891 800 463-FEUXBusiness line418 871-3341Organization status Legal Statusnon-profit organizationFundingprovincial, membership fees, grants, self-financingLast verified on2024-06-26