sos violence conjugale
1 800
Province of Québec
victims of domestic violence, their relatives, perpetrators of violence, social workers, people concerned by this issue
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Bilingual, anonymous and confidential reception, assessment, information, awareness, support and referral.
* Available by phone, email, chat, text or TTY for deaf people.
* Interactive website intended to raise awareness of young people between 15 and 25 years old about early signs of psychological violence:
* Interactive self-assessment questionnaire:
victims of domestic violence, their relatives, perpetrators of violence, social workers, people concerned by this issue
24 hours / 7 days
Province of Québec
Arabic, English, French, Spanish
by phone, email, text or chat via the website
514 873-9010
1 800 363-9010
514 728-0023
438 601-1211Service by text messages
non-profit organization
provincial, donations