COVID-19 : Information and Essential Resources


 211 Greater Montréal’s mission is helping through information. We refer callers towards socio-community resources near their home that can meet their needs: food and material aid, homecare services, services for seniors and newcomers, support to families….you can also consult our online directory which houses 5000 socio-community organizations here:

We have prepared a non-exhaustive list for you that could be useful during this time of crisis.


The COVID-19 vaccination campaign is underway. For more information and to make an appointment, visit

Useful information on COVID-19 in Québec:

Useful information on COVID-19 in Canada:

  • The Québec Government’s information hotline on COVID-19 available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm: 1-877-644-4545
  • The Canadian Government’s information hotline on COVID-19: 1-833-784-4397

COVID-19 and health

Many of you have been calling 211 Greater Montréal to get information on COVID-19 or to make an appointment with a clinic. We understand you are worried, however, 211 cannot answer questions related to your health nor can we make appointments for you with a COVID-19 screening clinic and we cannot ensure a psychosocial follow-up either. You must follow the guidelines established by the ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS). Please call one of these two phone numbers:

  1. The Québec Government’s information hotline on COVID-19 available Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm: 1-877-644-4545
  2. Info-Santé: 8-1-1.
  3. Info-Social: 8-1-1, ext. 2.

To make an appointment with a clinic: please call 811 first. They will advise and direct you to the best resource.


Physical and mental health, prevention:

Self-care guide, published by the MSSS:

Taking care of our mental health:

Symptoms to watch out for: cough, fever, difficulty breathing, sudden loss of smell and taste without nasal congestion.

Treatment: No specific treatment for COVID-19 exists right now. However, support treatments may be given.

Most people with COVID-19 recover on their own.

How to protect yourself:

  • Cough into your elbow.
  • Throw your tissues in the trash.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Isolate yourself if you have symptoms
  • Keep a minimum distance of 2 metres away from others.
  • 14-day isolation period for all travellers back from their trip.
  • A ban of all social gatherings and a restriction on all non-essential travel.

National Institute of Public Health of Québec

Laboratory Guide FRENCH ONLY:

Follow the recommendations for COVID-19 for all handling and preparing of samples to be analysed.


Help for workers, immigration and other resources:

Help for workers: 


Volunteering and contributing:

Other Resources:

New coronavirus (COVID-19):  Situation report

World Health Organization (WHO)