We are excited to announce that the 211 Greater Montréal service is now available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This will allow us to fully fulfill our role as support and referral for the most vulnerable communities.
Michelle Ste-Marie Appointed Interim Director of 211
The Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal (IRCGM) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Ste-Marie as Interim Director of the 211 Grand Montréal-Gatineau service.
Newcomers: Overview of Needs and Available Community Support
Thanks to funding from the Fonds d'initiative et de rayonnement de la métropole (FIRM), our team has been conducting follow-ups with certain vulnerable groups using our services for several months now.
Heather Johnston is appointed Executive Director of the Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal
The Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal has received a grant from the Secretariat Responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers (Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois.es d’expression anglaise (SRQEA) to promote its services to anglophone communities
The City of Gatineau and Centraide Outaouais have collaborated to provide the 211 service to Gatineau residents, in partnership with the Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal who will be the service provider.
Starting today, the 211 service that refers and informs citizens of the socio-community services and programmes in their area, is available across Québec. Thanks to this implementation, the 40% of Quebecers who do not yet have access to this service will now be able to call 211 to find resources that are close by. This deployment is made possible thanks to the assistance of the Emergency Community Support Fund, an Employment and Social Development Canada programme put in place to support the community sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.
211 service goes nationwide with funding from the Government of Canada
Everyone in Canada will soon have access to 211, a free, confidential information navigation service that connects people to critical government and community-based health and social services in their community thanks to funding from the Government of Canada.
211 Greater Montréal has reached the 100 000 calls milestone
211 Greater Montreal has reached the 100 000 calls milestone, demonstrating its key role as a helpline in the community and social support. More than two years following its launch in the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, many citizens, as well as, professionals within the health and social services field, community organizations and elected officials have all embraced this easy-to-remember, three-digit number: 2-1-1.